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New Translations for GRI Standards


25 October 2022


The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Universal Standards (GRI 1: Foundations, GRI 2: General Disclosures & GRI 3: Material Topics) are now available in 3 new languages - Spanish, Portguese and Japanese.

Further translations of the Universal Standards in Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, and Italian are also expected by the end of 2022, whilst translated sector specific standards for Coal (GRI 12) and Agriculture, Aquaculture & Fishing (GRI 13) are likely by early 2023.

This is great news, given that all reporting entities will need to use the revised 2021 standards from 1st January 2023.

You can download copies of the GRI Standards here and if you need assistance with creating or improving your ESG & sustainability practices, contact us at

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